Converting Slices of Interfaces

Type converting slices of interfaces in Go allows us to work with specific types contained within an interface slice. Interface Slice and Concrete Typ...
Converting Slices of Interfaces

Making an HTTP POST Request

In Node.js, you can make an HTTP POST request to interact with APIs or send data to a server. HTTP POST requests are commonly used to create or update...
Making an HTTP POST Request

Installing a Specific Version of a Ruby Gem

When working with Ruby gems, you might need to install a particular version of a gem to ensure compatibility with your project. Fortunately, Ruby's pa...

Implementing Pagination with TypeORM

Pagination is a common requirement in APIs to manage large datasets. With NestJS and TypeORM, you can easily implement pagination to retrieve and disp...
Implementing Pagination with TypeORM

Creating Nested Routes with Parameters

In NestJS, you can create nested routes with parameters to organize your API endpoints and handle more complex data structures. Nested routes allow yo...
Creating Nested Routes with Parameters

Inject NestJS Service from Another Module

In NestJS, services are an essential part of the application, and they can be injected and used across different modules. To inject a NestJS service f...

Getting a Docker container's IP address from the host

To obtain a Docker container's IP address from the host machine, you can use Docker commands and inspect the container's network settings. Using docke...
Getting a Docker container's IP address from the host

Using Query Parameters

In Nest.js, query parameters are a common way to pass data to an API endpoint through the URL. They allow clients to send additional information to th...
Using Query Parameters

How to Drop Columns Using Rails Migration

To drop columns from a database table using Rails migration, follow these steps: Generate a Migration File The first step is to generate a migration f...
How to Drop Columns Using Rails Migration

Checking for the Type of Variable

In Elixir, you can determine the type of a variable using various functions and operators. Checking the type of a variable can be useful for condition...